Unfortunately I will be working when WWDC does the event. I’ll have to watch it later. I hear there going to be updates to Voice Control. VC is great but still needs work. It struggles with homonyms I want to and it gives me two. Then in the correct word command it doesn’t list the correct version of the word I want. So I have to type instead of saying the number to choose.

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Learning FastAPI and Flask and MongoDB. Loads of tutorials available on YouTube and on the Mongo University space. Also following a course on Udemy which has been really good. The trouble is when you get to a point and something is supposed to work and it doesn’t. Often the problem is a spelling mistake or a syntax error you have not spotted. So easy to make little mistakes which mess it all up.

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I used Reminders the Apple app for a while and it is pretty capable. Worked better as far as synchronisation goes than Sorted. Now I have go back to using Due because it has the feature of nagging me every 5 minutes until the task is done. Does a proper alert too. Works on my Apple Watch - So I have no excuse for not getting the job completed.

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Really getting into it and tomorrow I want to add Flask to the mix see if I can use the data being stored in the Mongo database on a dynamic web page. Who knew databases and Python would be so much fun. I wasn’t at all keen on Pything when I first looked at it, but soon got to love it more than Javascript.

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Setting up a Reminder to Repeat Every Day Except Wednesday Looks like you can’t do it at first. There’s weekdays, weekends, same day each week and so on. But you have to set it up like this… Find out in less than a minute… youtube.com/shorts/Tq…

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My Mac is having one of those days today. Anything Homebrew is broken and I have no idea what I did to mess it up. Getting weird error messages. Wanted to get started with Mongo DB today and I have to waste time fixing stuff before I can do anything.

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Using Chat GPT Open API This morning I set up the application drafts to use the Open API available from chat GPT. It was pretty easy to set up though you do have to have a paid for account. When I first looked it seemed that the only option was aged $20 a month subscription. I found out there is a possibility of using the API her and you pay as you use it.

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Looking at my meagre pension funds this morning. I might have to work until I drop…

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Should I learn Django also? This Flask tutorial has a bit of JavaScript in it but I’m managing ok with it.

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Learning Flask I found a really good tutorial on YouTube youtu.be/6WruncSoC… The tutorials are four years old but still great. Excellent explanations of how to put it together.

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Doing some cheating with ChatGPT and python coding. I couldn’t exactly remember the syntax so it was easy to AI what I wanted and have it done. Not really cheating though… It’s just another tool to use to save time. The actual hard work is the working out of the problem to be solved and knowing what to ask AI to do.

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For a while there I was using Pycharm for my Python coding and it’s pretty good. I liked Pycharm but now I find I like VS Code a little bit more.

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Found another FastAPI tutorial From Faraday Academy on YouTube. She’s doing a good job of explaining the Fast API and putting together the API. Early days so far but it’s good to see how someone else does the work. youtu.be/gQTRsZpR7…

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Daisy Jones and the Six Enjoyed the series but I have no sympathy with these children in adult bodies with the drug taking and them being such selfish imbeciles. The characters were the kind you want to slap and tell them to grow up.

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Time Off from YouTube Tutorials Instead I’ve been working with Python and FastAPI. Followed a few tutorials. The one by CodingWithRoby has been the best so far. High a brick wall with that for the moment. Fast API is really cool though. Enjoying it!

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Started watching Pennyworth, the early years story of Batmans butler. Alfred. Very good. Bit bloody and violent through.

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Loved the TV series C.B.Strike. A proper whodunnit by Robert Galbraith aka JK. Rowling. I’m tempted to get the book off the story not yet made as TV

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How to Make Your Finder Look Great With Custom Folder Icons Click to watch video Easy to create images on the Mac to put in as Folder icons in Finder. In the video I show how to change the boring blue folders to pictures or folders with pictures on top.

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Which is best Quick Grid or Power Duplicate - Affinity Designer? youtu.be/3TRVa7qce… If you want it exactly right positioned to the millimetre?

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How to put your signature in a PDF Document. Don’t print the PDF to sign it and then rescan, which is a waste of time and effort. Use apps like Preview to add your signature and be a digital hero.

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Sign Documents on Your Mac with Preview You don’t have to print onto paper, use an actual pen, like an animal, then rescan to sign a document. Use the Apple App Preview to put your signature in there without leaving your Mac.

You can write the signature on your trackpad, On the iPad with your Apple Pencil or set it up on paper and show that to the camera of the Mac.

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NFC or Lightning Using the NFC option or the 5Ci key with lightning connection.

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What Level of 2FA Do You Need? See in the tutorial how to use a Yubico Hardware 2FA Key. Using the Yubico Authenticator app to provide the TOTP codes for 2FA - 2 Factor Authentication on an iPhone. Click on the image to see the Tutorial. The pushed out codes are not secure enough for you ‘keys to the Kingdom’ accounts. You know, the codes which go to your email or as a message.

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Taking A Quick Note In Terminal To Send To Obsidian If you’re working in the terminal and need to make a quick note, you can use a custom function in the ZSH config file to quickly put it in your note-taking app like Obsidian. Just type the function name followed by a space and the note you want to send. Keep it short though, as this function is limited to two or three sentences.

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Affinity Designer - Solving a Small problem In the Facebook group for Affinity Designer someone asked how to put a gap or space in between text and a background object. Pretty easy to sort it out. In the video I present two ways of doing it. Watch Tutorial

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