Joys of Tutorials

Learning FastAPI and Flask and MongoDB. Loads of tutorials available on YouTube and on the Mongo University space. Also following a course on Udemy which has been really good.

The trouble is when you get to a point and something is supposed to work and it doesn’t. Often the problem is a spelling mistake or a syntax error you have not spotted. So easy to make little mistakes which mess it all up.

Then sometimes you have it all right and you know it’s right and you still hit the brick wall. This is usually caused by the age of the tutorial. You are using a newer version of an application, Python or Python package.

I’ve been trying yo use virtual environments to get around this problem and using the same tools as in the tutorial. Still find that brick wall to bash my forehead against. There’s was one tutorial I finally got working by not bothering with the Pyenv and Poetry management of the environment.

On the other hand… Finding problems and overcoming them is part of the learning process. Alway good to get past a road block and enjoy the YeeHaaaa moment.

Anyone else enjoying or suffering tutorial hell…???