KeepassXC and KeePassium

More setting up of KeepassXC and KeePassium

I have been using 1Password for years. With the change to Apple Silicon I’d have to get the subscription . So looking to see what’s there I came across KeePassXC. I can use it on the Raspberry Pi’s, as well as the M1 Mac. Now with KeePassium I can also access all my passwords from my iOS devices.

So this morning I exported the passwords out of 1Password and imported them into KeePassXC. Just had to get my hands on the vault file from 1Password and the import works as advertised…

There is a subscription for KeePassium, but it is possible to use the free version. Also the subscription is cheaper than the one with 1Password. So, that’s a plus. I’ll give give this setup a try for a month and see how it goes.
