App Launcher Bunch With Moom and Raycast

Bunch App Launcher used with Moom to organise your workspace

In the video I show you how you can launch a bunch of apps in one foul swoop and have the windows of the apps placed in the perfect positions on screen so you are ready for work.

Watch the tutorial - App Launcher Bunch with Moom and Raycast

I have been using Neovim lately as my text editor. You run it in the command line. Thanks to a guy called Josean I have it customised to work really nicely. It’s great if you like to do just about everything with yoru keyboard and don’t want to be reaching for the mouse or trackpad all the time. I run Neovim in the Warp Terminal app.

Moom is also a super app for putting the app windows in the right places on your Mac displays.