Working With the Command Line and Neovim

Setting up Neovim

I should be making a video but I’m setting up Neovim because I’m having some success with getting it sorted out. I’ve managed to get the colours sorted out for the information bar at the bottom of the screen. Now it shows me a different colour for each of the different modes I might be in. This makes it much easier to work out what I’m supposed to be doing with the keys. It’s good to do some practising where is the application and getting accustomed to the different keys to use.

I also found out that I can use the space key and the letter E to bring up the FileExplorer in Neovim. Much easier for moving around the file system to get to the files I need to work on to get all of it working.

I found out that I had made a mistake with the name of one of the folders and that stopped the stuff working before. Once I had that fixed, things magically began to fall into place.