The Joys of Micro-Blogging

Looking at Micro Blogging

I’m quite pleased with and I can see me sticking with it. I was also looking at which creates a blog based on what you put in a shared Apple Notes folder. I have made numerous attempts to get it working and nothing is happening.

The instructions and not great and could do with a video showing how to do it step by step. I would make that video if I could complete the process and see posts arriving on the platform. It is supposed to take about a minute for the posts to arrive and say hello. Maybe longer because there are more people using the platform. I’ve let it wait for hours and days and still nothing.

I’m ready to give up on it. Besides is working a treat. The official app on the Mac is OK but there’s another iOS app which I can use on my M1 Mac which looks OK too. I’ll work with both of them and see which I prefer. 96FB6B4E-58CB-4594-A9AB-1319B1CF8AF2.jpg

Using the App Icro to make this blog post.

Ii kind of like the simplicity of microblogging compared to posting on a WordPress site. It’s like a social media but with a little more. Also handy that the posts get cross posted to Twitter and Mastodon.