Personal Knowledge Management App Tana in Comparison With Obsidian, Craft and Logseq

I’ve just uploaded the latest good and Geeky video to YouTube. This is a video about the application Tana. I have made comparisons with applications like Obsidian, Logseq and Craft which are further along in the development cycle of personal knowledge management applications.

There are a few things I like with Tana. It has a kind of database system set up already with the use of super tags. Basically a super tag is a tag with extra added feels added underneath it. There is something similar in Logseq but I can’t remember the word for used to describe it or name it.

Watch the video on YouTube

The team of developers working on Tana have some good ideas and I think it’s going to be an application to watch out for. In the meantime we can play with it and see what we can do with it and send request for functionality because they’re busy working on it and making it better.